Memberships 2025

Note: Dual Membership Offer (*DMS)
Once again, we are offering the “Dual Membership” with Connaught Golf Club for $400.00 or less (depending on your membership category). Juniors can also get a dual membership for a $75 plus GST fee.

7 Day Adult Membership

Includes: Full use of all club facilities with no tee time restrictions.

Active Shareholder 7 Day Membership
$2200.00 (Add Spouse – Discount $1870.00) *DMS $400.00
Annual Capital Levy Fee $135.00

Non-Shareholder 7 Day Membership
$2310.00 (Add Spouse – Discount $1964.00) *DMS $400.00
Annual Capital Levy Fee $135.00

5 Day Adult Membership

Includes: Full use of all club facilities however tee times are restricted to Monday to Friday excluding Statutory Holidays. Can play on weekends and holidays but must pay green fee rates.

Active Shareholder 5 Day Membership
$1825.00 (Add Spouse – Discount $1551.00) *DMS $375.00
Annual Capital Levy Fee $135.00

Non-shareholder 5 Day Membership
$1905.00 (Add Spouse – Discount $1619.00) *DMS $375.00
Annual Capital Levy Fee $135.00

**Any paid 7 Day or 5 Day Adult Membership receives ONE COMPLIMENTARY Junior Membership**

Intermediate & Young Adult Membership

Includes: Full use of all club facilities with no tee time restrictions and no share purchase is required. Spousal discounts are not offered on these Membership categories.

Intermediate Adult (26 to 35 years)
$1550.00 *DMS $300.00
Annual Capital Levy Fee $50.00.

Young Adult (19 to 25 years)
$1195.00 *DMS $250.00
Annual Capital Levy Fee $25.00

**Intermediate and Young Adult Membership fees are based on the age as of April 1, 2025**

Click to download our 2025 Membership form.

Junior Membership (8 to 18 years) Membership fees are based on the age of the Junior as of April 1, 2025 and they must be a minimum of 8 years old. I.D. showing date of birth is required for all Junior categories when registering. Juniors can book tee times any time during the week Monday through Friday. Juniors can play on weekends and holidays after 3:00 p.m. by calling any time after 7 p.m. on Wednesday of each week to confirm a tee time. When accompanied by an adult/parent, a junior can play after 10:00 am on weekends and holidays.

  • Ages 8 – 12 $210.00 *DMS $75.00
  • Ages 13 – 15 $295.00 *DMS $75.00
  • Ages 16 – 18 $365.00 *DMS $75.00

Click to download our 2025 Junior Membership Form

Dual Membership Offer (DMS)

Your privileges will include restricted play at The Connaught Golf Club.

New for 2025, Connaught Golf Club has restricted all dual membership play for all Medicine Hat Golf and Country Club dual members to after 11am from May 20th – August 29th and 12pm before May 20th and after August 30th.

Other Annual Membership Services

Power Carts
5 Day Power Cart Lease $570.00
– (One seat for 18 holes per day) Monday to Friday excluding holidays.
7 Day Power Cart Lease $595.00 – (One seat for 18 holes per day) Every day including tournaments.

Pull Cart Lease $80.00

Club Storage $195.00
Club Storage with Speed Cart $295.00

Yearly Range Pass $300.00
2 Person Range Pass $500.00

Lockers $40.00

Voluntary Ace Pot Buy-In (GST Exempt) $ 25.00
MHG&CC SHARE (GST Exempt) $1,500.00

Please Note: All above prices for Medicine Hat Golf & Country Club Member rates do not include GST.
Non-member pricing can be found under 2025 Green Fee Rates & Specials.


Wednesday Men’s League
Men’s League is included with the purchase of your 2025 membership with the exception of juniors.

Non-Members can purchase a Men’s Associate Membership for $995.00 + GST to play in Men’s League. A 10 * 18 hole round of golf punch card is included in the price of this membership.

The Wednesday Men’s League comprises of a maximum of 15 teams of 8 men per team with additional spares. Each team is sponsored by local businesses. The format is a shotgun start, 9-hole match play tournament played each Wednesday evening over a 18-week period with one point being awarded for each hole won and one-half point for each hole tied. The total points made each week determines each team’s place on the ladder. At the end of the 15 weeks, the top teams play a knockout playoff over 2 weeks to decide the overall winner.

Click to download our 2025 Men’s Associate Membership form.

For more details contact Cam Jacques at (403) 529-6930 ext #105

Tuesday Evening Ladies
Ladies League takes place on Tuesday evenings. It is intended to be a social night, encouraging golfers of all levels to participate. The league is unique in that it is open to members of the Club and non-members. Weekly play begins the first week of May and runs until the end of August. A Round Robin schedule is developed at the beginning of the year and teams play a Stableford format. At the end of the year, prizes are given out to the first three teams who accumulated the most points throughout the year. Weekly prizes are awarded for Low Net, Low Gross, Closest to the Pin and the player with the most points.

The cost is:
Members: $35.00
Non-Members: $400.00
This includes GST and KP fees

For more details please email our Ladies League Co-oridinators at